Yep, that’s right. We had the big 20-week appointment this morning (really, it’s more like 21 weeks since that’s where I’ll be tomorrow). Five minutes into the appointment, I had a minor freak out. I got weighed, peed in a cup — all normal things that happen at each appointment. Then I went into the room with the ultrasound tech. She introduced me to another woman who would be helping out. Avera had just gotten a new ultrasound machine (a better one) the day before. The other woman was there to help figure out how to use it.
But first the ultrasound tech turned to me and asked whether I had experienced any bleeding. “Umm…no. Should I be,” I said. She looked at the other woman and said “She had a complete previa at 12 weeks.” I did? That was news to me? A complete previa is where the placenta is blocking the cervical opening. It can lead to bleeding, c-sections and in some cases bigger issues. The ultrasound tech left the room before I had time to ask any questions. Meanwhile, Dan started googling complete previa on his phone. I was just trying not to panic.
When the ultrasound tech returned a few minutes later, I asked her about it. She said many times the placenta corrects itself and there’s nothing to worry about. She reassured me, apologized for saying anything in the first place and started the ultrasound.
It turns out I really did have nothing to worry about. Our baby is perfect. He was moving around so much that the ultrasound tech had trouble getting measurements and photos, but I’d much rather see a squirmy baby than one that’s not moving. The heart rate was 156 (the same as it was at my 16-week appointment). He’s got fingers, toes, a spine and a perfect little heart. He’s also got the cutest little face I’ve ever seen. I’m measuring exactly where I should be…20 weeks and 6 days.
I’m so excited to be having a son.
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