Allow me to vent for a moment...
While I might take some heat for this blog (since my mother-in-law works there), I really do hate Target.
A few years ago, I went to the checkout to pay for something and my check wouldn't go through. It's not because there was anything wrong with the check. The machine just literally wouldn't send it through. It had nothing to do the amount of money in my account or anything written on the check, the machine just didn't like the paper the check was made out of. Every time the cashier would try to send it through, it would jam. Because I was using a discount card (my husband also worked there at the time), I had to pay by check or cash to get the discount. I offered to pay with my debit card and ignore the discount, but the cashier wouldn't quit trying to get it to work. At this point, we had attracted quite a crowd and it had started to turn embarassing. The cashier was nice, but at some point, she decided to move me up to the customer service counter to try to get it taken care of. At this point, I just wanted to pay and get out of there. I didn't care about the stupid discount.
At the customer service counter, I encountered a different employee who thought she knew everything. While she wasn't the one directly helping me, she was quick to announce to everyone standing within 10 feet that my check was bad and it was my fault. She implied that I didn't have the money to pay, which couldn't be further from the truth. After 10 minutes of her attitude and bitchy ways, I had enough. I told her that her customer service was awful and I would appreciate if she went somewhere else. At this point, I was in tears. The cashier who was helping me apologized, but I just wanted to leave. I had my husband pay with a check from his account, which we had offered to do 20 minutes previous. And I vowed never to go back to that stupid store.
But the worst part of the whole situation happened the next day when I found out that the entire Target staff was gossiping about the situation. My mother-in-law tried to defend the people she works with, but I honestly didn't want to hear any of it. The check situation was bad enough, but the fact that I was the joke the next day is what was really unprofessional and unfortuante.
Well, this weekend, I had another less than stellar experience with the store. The husband and I went to do our baby registry. We waited for a while while the girl who was helping us went to check the back for the bag you get when you register. She came back and told us they didn't have any left. That's fine, but then offer to take our name, hold one for us or explain to us what that means. She just left us sitting there and seemed more concerned with the fact that my mother-in-law works there than the fact that we were customers who should be treated like anyone else would be. In the end, we ended up getting the gun, registering and getting the hell out of there.
But then just a few minutes ago, I tried to look up the registry online. What a surprise. It can't be found. Seriously? What's the point of registering in the first place if our family and friends can't even look at it? I can find it under my account, it's listed as public but it doesn't show up.
And that, my friends, is why I hate Target.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Picking a name
I'm happy to report...a name has been chosen. And no, we're not sharing. I learned my lesson early on in this pregnancy. We shared some of our choices with some family members who then picked them apart. To be fair, we've been blessed with some great friends and family who I know will be supportive in whatever name we choose. They recognize it's our choice. Unfortunately, there are some people out there who don't (including somebody who became annoyed that we wouldn't tell her the name because she was afraid it would be the same as her choice. Nevermind that she's not even pregnant).
We've had a girl's name chosen for quite a long time (a name we both loved), but we couldn't quite agree on a boy's name.
We had been considering another name (the one Dan really wanted), but I could never wrap my head around it. Last night, we were sitting on the couch, Dan was flipping through the baby name book and said "How about xxxx?" It was a name I had mentioned months ago, but had kind of forgotten about. Now, it just seems right. It makes me more excited to meet our little peanut.
We've had a girl's name chosen for quite a long time (a name we both loved), but we couldn't quite agree on a boy's name.
We had been considering another name (the one Dan really wanted), but I could never wrap my head around it. Last night, we were sitting on the couch, Dan was flipping through the baby name book and said "How about xxxx?" It was a name I had mentioned months ago, but had kind of forgotten about. Now, it just seems right. It makes me more excited to meet our little peanut.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Halloween...a year early
I was at a local department store over lunch today and found something for the little peanut I had to buy. I didn't have to, but Dan encouraged me, it was cute, and best of all, it was 50 percent off (gotta love pre-holiday clearance).
Peanut won't get to wear the costume this year (obviously), but it should be the perfect size next year. They had monkey, bubble bee and puppy costumes. We went with the puppy one (the monkey one really wasn't very cute). This isn't a very good pic, but this is what it looks like.
Peanut won't get to wear the costume this year (obviously), but it should be the perfect size next year. They had monkey, bubble bee and puppy costumes. We went with the puppy one (the monkey one really wasn't very cute). This isn't a very good pic, but this is what it looks like.

Thursday, October 28, 2010
It's a boy
Yep, that’s right. We had the big 20-week appointment this morning (really, it’s more like 21 weeks since that’s where I’ll be tomorrow). Five minutes into the appointment, I had a minor freak out. I got weighed, peed in a cup — all normal things that happen at each appointment. Then I went into the room with the ultrasound tech. She introduced me to another woman who would be helping out. Avera had just gotten a new ultrasound machine (a better one) the day before. The other woman was there to help figure out how to use it.
But first the ultrasound tech turned to me and asked whether I had experienced any bleeding. “Umm…no. Should I be,” I said. She looked at the other woman and said “She had a complete previa at 12 weeks.” I did? That was news to me? A complete previa is where the placenta is blocking the cervical opening. It can lead to bleeding, c-sections and in some cases bigger issues. The ultrasound tech left the room before I had time to ask any questions. Meanwhile, Dan started googling complete previa on his phone. I was just trying not to panic.
When the ultrasound tech returned a few minutes later, I asked her about it. She said many times the placenta corrects itself and there’s nothing to worry about. She reassured me, apologized for saying anything in the first place and started the ultrasound.
It turns out I really did have nothing to worry about. Our baby is perfect. He was moving around so much that the ultrasound tech had trouble getting measurements and photos, but I’d much rather see a squirmy baby than one that’s not moving. The heart rate was 156 (the same as it was at my 16-week appointment). He’s got fingers, toes, a spine and a perfect little heart. He’s also got the cutest little face I’ve ever seen. I’m measuring exactly where I should be…20 weeks and 6 days.
I’m so excited to be having a son.
But first the ultrasound tech turned to me and asked whether I had experienced any bleeding. “Umm…no. Should I be,” I said. She looked at the other woman and said “She had a complete previa at 12 weeks.” I did? That was news to me? A complete previa is where the placenta is blocking the cervical opening. It can lead to bleeding, c-sections and in some cases bigger issues. The ultrasound tech left the room before I had time to ask any questions. Meanwhile, Dan started googling complete previa on his phone. I was just trying not to panic.
When the ultrasound tech returned a few minutes later, I asked her about it. She said many times the placenta corrects itself and there’s nothing to worry about. She reassured me, apologized for saying anything in the first place and started the ultrasound.
It turns out I really did have nothing to worry about. Our baby is perfect. He was moving around so much that the ultrasound tech had trouble getting measurements and photos, but I’d much rather see a squirmy baby than one that’s not moving. The heart rate was 156 (the same as it was at my 16-week appointment). He’s got fingers, toes, a spine and a perfect little heart. He’s also got the cutest little face I’ve ever seen. I’m measuring exactly where I should be…20 weeks and 6 days.
I’m so excited to be having a son.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Changing body
Two observations while taking a nice, relaxing bath tonight...
1. While my belly button is still an innie, it's gotten really shallow.
2. Shaving is going to be really, really hard in a few months.
1. While my belly button is still an innie, it's gotten really shallow.
2. Shaving is going to be really, really hard in a few months.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Two sleeps
Two sleeps until we find out if we're having a boy or a girl. I'm really excited, but I'm also really nervous. It's been five weeks since our last appointment...just enough time for me to wonder if anything is wrong. I'll admit it. I'm paranoid. I'm a worrier. And until I hear that heartbeat and see that our little baby has all his or her fingers, toes and assorted parts, I'll be nervous. I just can't help it. It's taken us this long to get to this point. At some point, I think I started believing we didn't deserve to have a child. I know...that's silly talk. Still, it's what I'm feeling.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Checking in
How Far Along? 20 weeks, 3 days
Symptoms? Same as last week. My belly is really sore, especially at the end of the day.
Weight gain? At 16 weeks, I had gained one pound. My best guess is that I'm up five. It could be more; could be less.
Sleep? Restless, but could be worse.
Best Moment of the Week? Still to come...I hope. My next appointment is Thursday morning. We hope to find out the sex. I'm also hoping everything in the ultrasound shows a healthy baby. We also got to meet our friends' baby. She's a doll.
Worst Moment of the Week? Waiting. I'm not a patient person.
Food Cravings? None. Just food in general. Lots of it.
Gender? We should know Thursday. I said last week that I'm secretly hoping for a girl. Can I change my mind? The last few days I've been thinking about having a boy. I think it's a boy. Dan thinks it's a girl. My brother James chimed in yesterday and said he's sure it's a boy.
What I miss? Not feeling tired all the time.
What I'm looking forward to? Finding out the gender and a planned shopping trip with the hubby and my mom.
Symptoms? Same as last week. My belly is really sore, especially at the end of the day.
Weight gain? At 16 weeks, I had gained one pound. My best guess is that I'm up five. It could be more; could be less.
Sleep? Restless, but could be worse.
Best Moment of the Week? Still to come...I hope. My next appointment is Thursday morning. We hope to find out the sex. I'm also hoping everything in the ultrasound shows a healthy baby. We also got to meet our friends' baby. She's a doll.
Worst Moment of the Week? Waiting. I'm not a patient person.
Food Cravings? None. Just food in general. Lots of it.
Gender? We should know Thursday. I said last week that I'm secretly hoping for a girl. Can I change my mind? The last few days I've been thinking about having a boy. I think it's a boy. Dan thinks it's a girl. My brother James chimed in yesterday and said he's sure it's a boy.
What I miss? Not feeling tired all the time.
What I'm looking forward to? Finding out the gender and a planned shopping trip with the hubby and my mom.
Welcome Mackenzie Lynn
Our good friends, Rob and Melissa, welcomed Mackenzie Lynn into the world last Tuesday. We went up to the hospital on Wednesday to see them and their beautiful little girl. I believe Dan might have fallen in love. Later that night, he wouldn't stop repeating "I need to hold that baby again."
On Saturday night, we headed over to their house to see Mackenzie (and her parents, of course) again. I had a hard time getting Dan to leave. He didn't want to put down the baby (and really, I didn't either). She really is adorable.
I've never questioned whether Dan is going to be a good dad. I know he is. He's the type of guy who plays with our friend's young daughter at the water park and then comes home and can't stop talking about how good of time he had. He loves spending time with my junior-high-aged cousin Courtney (although I do, too). But seeing him with a newborn was a great feeling. He seemed comfortable. And he seemed happy.
It made me realize that as much as I'm looking forward to meeting our little one, I'm also looking forward to helping make Dan a dad. There's no doubt in my mind that he'll be a great one.
On Saturday night, we headed over to their house to see Mackenzie (and her parents, of course) again. I had a hard time getting Dan to leave. He didn't want to put down the baby (and really, I didn't either). She really is adorable.
I've never questioned whether Dan is going to be a good dad. I know he is. He's the type of guy who plays with our friend's young daughter at the water park and then comes home and can't stop talking about how good of time he had. He loves spending time with my junior-high-aged cousin Courtney (although I do, too). But seeing him with a newborn was a great feeling. He seemed comfortable. And he seemed happy.
It made me realize that as much as I'm looking forward to meeting our little one, I'm also looking forward to helping make Dan a dad. There's no doubt in my mind that he'll be a great one.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Halfway home
I'm 20 weeks...TODAY! I feel like I should do a little dance, throw a party or maybe even buy myself something. :)
After today, everything is downhill. While I know I have a long way to go, I feel like I've reached the point where now I can start counting backwards instead of forwards. Instead of saying, "I'm 20 weeks along" I think it's now fair to say, "I've got 20 weeks left."
So far, so good. I feel fine. Wore down and tired, but that's normal. Kind of achy, but that's normal, too.
I know I've said this before, but I'm just thankful and I feel really blessed.
After today, everything is downhill. While I know I have a long way to go, I feel like I've reached the point where now I can start counting backwards instead of forwards. Instead of saying, "I'm 20 weeks along" I think it's now fair to say, "I've got 20 weeks left."
So far, so good. I feel fine. Wore down and tired, but that's normal. Kind of achy, but that's normal, too.
I know I've said this before, but I'm just thankful and I feel really blessed.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Not so sweet dreams
The weird pregnancy dreams have started in full force.
I got my first one a few months ago, but now they're coming pretty much nightly. Last night, I had a dream that Dan came to me and told me he had just heard on the police scanner that our dog had been run over. A few nights ago, I was at a basketball game in which people my age were playing, my brothers age and even some kids who are in high school right now. Except instead of being a normal basketball game it was basically a big fight.
The very first weird dream I had my mom, dad, Dan and I were on a boat and a bad man was trying to sink it. That was followed with a dream about me giving a doll...only a doll with real boy parts. Imagine a plastic doll with not so plastic junk.
Yep...that's just weird.
I got my first one a few months ago, but now they're coming pretty much nightly. Last night, I had a dream that Dan came to me and told me he had just heard on the police scanner that our dog had been run over. A few nights ago, I was at a basketball game in which people my age were playing, my brothers age and even some kids who are in high school right now. Except instead of being a normal basketball game it was basically a big fight.
The very first weird dream I had my mom, dad, Dan and I were on a boat and a bad man was trying to sink it. That was followed with a dream about me giving a doll...only a doll with real boy parts. Imagine a plastic doll with not so plastic junk.
Yep...that's just weird.
Friday, October 15, 2010
19 weeks down, 21 to go
How Far Along? 19 weeks
Symptoms? A lot of belly twinges and a little bit of pain, belly is growing like crazy, tender breasts (more than they have been the previous 6 weeks or so), really tired, every time I stand up I have to pee
Weight gain? I was at one pound gained three weeks ago, but I wouldn't be shocked if I had put on three more. I'm constantly hungry now.
Sleep? Getting harder. I need to get myself a body pillow, but so far, I've resisted. I have to wake up to turn over, and most nights, I get up twice to go to the bathroom. Our toliet upstairs is still out of commission (although the shower is usable now), so I have to make the trip downstairs each time.
Best Moment of the Week? Having today off. Since I haven't been getting much sleep lately, I've been exhausted at work. I got a nice nap in today, which should help.
I've also heard a lot of feedback from a column I wrote that ran in last Sunday's American News. I never expected it to touch so many people. It means a lot that it was so well received.
Worst Moment of the Week? Round ligament pain. Enough said.
Food Cravings? Protein...especially red meat.
Gender? We'll know Oct. 28. Secretly, I'll admit, I'm hoping for a girl. I have no idea why. That being said, I'll be just as happy with a boy. I just feel blessed that we're getting this shot.
What I miss? Besides the occassional craving for alcohol (particarly beer), not much. I really am enjoying this pregnancy.
What I'm looking forward to? Finding out the gender and a planned shopping trip with the hubby and my mom.
Symptoms? A lot of belly twinges and a little bit of pain, belly is growing like crazy, tender breasts (more than they have been the previous 6 weeks or so), really tired, every time I stand up I have to pee
Weight gain? I was at one pound gained three weeks ago, but I wouldn't be shocked if I had put on three more. I'm constantly hungry now.
Sleep? Getting harder. I need to get myself a body pillow, but so far, I've resisted. I have to wake up to turn over, and most nights, I get up twice to go to the bathroom. Our toliet upstairs is still out of commission (although the shower is usable now), so I have to make the trip downstairs each time.
Best Moment of the Week? Having today off. Since I haven't been getting much sleep lately, I've been exhausted at work. I got a nice nap in today, which should help.
I've also heard a lot of feedback from a column I wrote that ran in last Sunday's American News. I never expected it to touch so many people. It means a lot that it was so well received.
Worst Moment of the Week? Round ligament pain. Enough said.
Food Cravings? Protein...especially red meat.
Gender? We'll know Oct. 28. Secretly, I'll admit, I'm hoping for a girl. I have no idea why. That being said, I'll be just as happy with a boy. I just feel blessed that we're getting this shot.
What I miss? Besides the occassional craving for alcohol (particarly beer), not much. I really am enjoying this pregnancy.
What I'm looking forward to? Finding out the gender and a planned shopping trip with the hubby and my mom.
Wish list II
Monday, October 11, 2010
I've been both overwhelmed and touched by the outpouring of support and feedback I've gotten from the Aberdeen community since my column ran in the American News on Sunday.
Today, I was at medical office to interview a doctor for a story I'm working on and two nurses stopped me to tell me how much they liked it. My husband had several people say the same thing to him today.
It's never easy to put yourself and your feelings completely out there. It's one thing to blog about them on here, it's another to have it published with your name attached.
I feel incredibly blessed to know that 1) people care and 2) that there are so many people who identified with what I wrote. Thanks to everyone who read with an open mind...and an open heart.
Today, I was at medical office to interview a doctor for a story I'm working on and two nurses stopped me to tell me how much they liked it. My husband had several people say the same thing to him today.
It's never easy to put yourself and your feelings completely out there. It's one thing to blog about them on here, it's another to have it published with your name attached.
I feel incredibly blessed to know that 1) people care and 2) that there are so many people who identified with what I wrote. Thanks to everyone who read with an open mind...and an open heart.
Sick day
When I woke up this morning, I briefly thought about staying home from work. But then I remembered that my new boss started today and I didn't want to make a bad impression.
I'm not sure if it was a touch of the stomach flu or just fun pregnancy-related goodness, but I was really sick. Before leaving the house, I made four or five runs to the bathroom, gagging or with a hand over my mouth as I ran. I never quite finished the job, but the thought of replaying the scene over and over throughout the day at work wasn't too appealing.
Still, I made it through the day -- with just a few of those same symptoms. Eating food wasn't an issue (I had a healthy lunch and supper). Smelling it was. Even a quick sniff of my prenatals tonight had me doubling over.
While I did have morning sickness during the first trimester, I don't ever remember it being as strange as this.
I'm not sure if it was a touch of the stomach flu or just fun pregnancy-related goodness, but I was really sick. Before leaving the house, I made four or five runs to the bathroom, gagging or with a hand over my mouth as I ran. I never quite finished the job, but the thought of replaying the scene over and over throughout the day at work wasn't too appealing.
Still, I made it through the day -- with just a few of those same symptoms. Eating food wasn't an issue (I had a healthy lunch and supper). Smelling it was. Even a quick sniff of my prenatals tonight had me doubling over.
While I did have morning sickness during the first trimester, I don't ever remember it being as strange as this.
Girl or boy?
We won't find out if we're having a boy or girl until Oct. 28 (and that's only if baby cooperates). At that point, I'll be 21 weeks along.
And yes, we're finding out (despite what Dan's grandma has to say about the topic). Anybody who knows me well should know that I'd want to know. I'm too much of a planner.
What's right for someone else isn't always right for everyone. It's a personal choice to be decided by mom and dad. I try to remember that each and every time random individuals tell us not to find out (including a political candidate who thought it was wise to stop by my husband's desk at work and give him some "advice" on the subject.)
Going by myths, it should be a girl. The heart rate has been on the quicker side (179 and 156) and the Chinese gender chart also says girl. But...that's if you really believe that stuff. I don't.
I think it's a boy. Dan thinks we're having a girl.
Anybody else care to guess?
And yes, we're finding out (despite what Dan's grandma has to say about the topic). Anybody who knows me well should know that I'd want to know. I'm too much of a planner.
What's right for someone else isn't always right for everyone. It's a personal choice to be decided by mom and dad. I try to remember that each and every time random individuals tell us not to find out (including a political candidate who thought it was wise to stop by my husband's desk at work and give him some "advice" on the subject.)
Going by myths, it should be a girl. The heart rate has been on the quicker side (179 and 156) and the Chinese gender chart also says girl. But...that's if you really believe that stuff. I don't.
I think it's a boy. Dan thinks we're having a girl.
Anybody else care to guess?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Finally an answer
This afternoon, I got a call from my nurse. Dan's test results had finally come back. He is NOT a carrier of cystic fibrosis, which means that our child has no chance of getting it. Had he been a carrier (like I am) our baby would have had a 25 percent chance of being diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Now, it's not something we even have to worry about. I'm relieved, happy and so excited.
A few minutes after getting the great news, I got some more (on a smaller level). My work did a United Way fundraiser. We could buy chances at two days off or one day off. I spent $7 and put in $6 chances in the two-days off bucket and two in the other one. Well, I won. I get two extra days off to use in the next six months, which of course means I can take a few more days of maternity leave.
A few minutes after getting the great news, I got some more (on a smaller level). My work did a United Way fundraiser. We could buy chances at two days off or one day off. I spent $7 and put in $6 chances in the two-days off bucket and two in the other one. Well, I won. I get two extra days off to use in the next six months, which of course means I can take a few more days of maternity leave.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I wanted to slap her
As I came out of the doctor's office this afternoon -- after getting a flu shot I might add -- I encountered a young mom with her two kids. A young pregnant mom. Oh wait...a young pregnant smoking mom.
I was tempted to say something, but I didn't. Instead I just thought bad thoughts about her and felt sorry for her children.
I was tempted to say something, but I didn't. Instead I just thought bad thoughts about her and felt sorry for her children.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The question game
How Far Along? 17 weeks, 4 days
Maternity Clothes? Since I technically switched to maternity clothes at 10.5 weeks (I know, most people aren't even showing by then), this is a question that's really easy to answer. It's been all maternity clothes, all the time since then. When I'm home, I'll wear t-shirts and shorts. And I probably could still fit in to my regular jeans (mainly because they snap below the belly and they were too big to begin with). The shirts are where I run into problems. Everything is too short...unless it's maternity.
Stretch Marks? Nothing new.
Weight gain? I had gained one pound as of my 16-week appointment. There haven't been any big jumps on the scale. I'm assuming maybe I'm up to 2 now.
Sleep? Depends on the night. Some nights I have no issues. Sometimes my belly feels so heavy that it keeps me up. My constant trips to the bathroom have let up a bit, which is fantastic news.
Best Moment of the Week? I haven't had it yet. I'm hoping it will come when we hear that Dan isn't a cystic fibrosis carrier. Other than that, it's kind of nice to feel the little flutters now and then.
Worst Moment of the Week? Work has been hectic as of late.
Food Cravings? anything spicy
Gender? We won't know for another 3 weeks and 2 days. I know, it's not like I'm counting down or anything. :) Dan says he's hoping for a girl and he thinks it's a girl. I think it's a boy.
What I miss? It's funny. I've never been a huge drinker, but there's something about really wanting what you can't have.
What I'm looking forward to? Our remodeling project being done so I can start getting the nursery ready.
Maternity Clothes? Since I technically switched to maternity clothes at 10.5 weeks (I know, most people aren't even showing by then), this is a question that's really easy to answer. It's been all maternity clothes, all the time since then. When I'm home, I'll wear t-shirts and shorts. And I probably could still fit in to my regular jeans (mainly because they snap below the belly and they were too big to begin with). The shirts are where I run into problems. Everything is too short...unless it's maternity.
Stretch Marks? Nothing new.
Weight gain? I had gained one pound as of my 16-week appointment. There haven't been any big jumps on the scale. I'm assuming maybe I'm up to 2 now.
Sleep? Depends on the night. Some nights I have no issues. Sometimes my belly feels so heavy that it keeps me up. My constant trips to the bathroom have let up a bit, which is fantastic news.
Best Moment of the Week? I haven't had it yet. I'm hoping it will come when we hear that Dan isn't a cystic fibrosis carrier. Other than that, it's kind of nice to feel the little flutters now and then.
Worst Moment of the Week? Work has been hectic as of late.
Food Cravings? anything spicy
Gender? We won't know for another 3 weeks and 2 days. I know, it's not like I'm counting down or anything. :) Dan says he's hoping for a girl and he thinks it's a girl. I think it's a boy.
What I miss? It's funny. I've never been a huge drinker, but there's something about really wanting what you can't have.
What I'm looking forward to? Our remodeling project being done so I can start getting the nursery ready.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
More babies
Yesterday I attended a baby shower for my good friend Melissa. She's due in three weeks.
Throughout the last five years, Dan and I have pretty much done things at the same pace as Melissa and her husband, Rob.
We bought a house just a few months before they did. We got married just a year later than they did. And now we're having a baby...about 20 weeks after they do.
It's been really nice throughout this pregnancy to be able to compare notes. If I'm curious about what is supposed to happen at the different stages, I ask Melissa (or my friend Jackie who had her son Zach about three months ago). Or if I just want to talk about being pregnant (which let's be honest, happens a lot) there's always someone there.
A few days ago, another couple that we know announced they too are pregnant. It didn't take Dan long to figure out that our child will be in the same class at the same school as Rob and Melissa's and Jordan and Natalie's. In a bigger town (well, for South Dakota anyway) that's not always a given. You would have thought he won the lottery.
Throughout the last five years, Dan and I have pretty much done things at the same pace as Melissa and her husband, Rob.
We bought a house just a few months before they did. We got married just a year later than they did. And now we're having a baby...about 20 weeks after they do.
It's been really nice throughout this pregnancy to be able to compare notes. If I'm curious about what is supposed to happen at the different stages, I ask Melissa (or my friend Jackie who had her son Zach about three months ago). Or if I just want to talk about being pregnant (which let's be honest, happens a lot) there's always someone there.
A few days ago, another couple that we know announced they too are pregnant. It didn't take Dan long to figure out that our child will be in the same class at the same school as Rob and Melissa's and Jordan and Natalie's. In a bigger town (well, for South Dakota anyway) that's not always a given. You would have thought he won the lottery.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Genetic testing
On Thursday, I got the results back from the testing we had done at my 16-week appointment.
The AFP test, which is used for detecting things like neural tube defects, abdominal wall defects, esophageal and duodenal atresia, some renal and urinary tract anomalies, turner syndrome, some low birth weight fetuses, placental complications or Down Syndrome, came back low risk. It was fantastic to hear that news.
But on the cystic fibrosis test, we weren't so lucky. My nurse, Monica, told me that I'm a carrier. One of the 32 genes they tested had a mild mutation, she said. One in 29 people are carriers.
The next step is to test Dan to see if he's a carrier. After talking about it, we decided that's something we wanted to do. He went in for the blood work on Thursday. We should find out the results sometime between Tuesday and Thursday of next week.
If Dan is a carrier of cystic fibrosis (and as I understand it, it would have to be a mutation of the same gene as I have) then our child has a one in four chance of having cystic fibrosis. If it's determined that he's not a carrier, then we have nothing to worry about.
While the chances are slim, it's still scary.
The AFP test, which is used for detecting things like neural tube defects, abdominal wall defects, esophageal and duodenal atresia, some renal and urinary tract anomalies, turner syndrome, some low birth weight fetuses, placental complications or Down Syndrome, came back low risk. It was fantastic to hear that news.
But on the cystic fibrosis test, we weren't so lucky. My nurse, Monica, told me that I'm a carrier. One of the 32 genes they tested had a mild mutation, she said. One in 29 people are carriers.
The next step is to test Dan to see if he's a carrier. After talking about it, we decided that's something we wanted to do. He went in for the blood work on Thursday. We should find out the results sometime between Tuesday and Thursday of next week.
If Dan is a carrier of cystic fibrosis (and as I understand it, it would have to be a mutation of the same gene as I have) then our child has a one in four chance of having cystic fibrosis. If it's determined that he's not a carrier, then we have nothing to worry about.
While the chances are slim, it's still scary.
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