When we left the doctor's office yesterday, we left with no further appointments and left knowing that we won't be back until after the baby is born.
That's right...we have a plan.
If I don't go into labor by Wednesday, I'll report to the hospital at about 4 a.m. to be induced. If the induction isn't going well, I'll be taken that day for a c-section.
With all the medical issues we're facing (pre-eclampsia, bigger baby, fibroid, etc.) this is what my doctor decided was the best plan of action. Dan and I both agreed with her.
Baby still looks wonderful. His heartbeat was nice and strong and he was very reactive which is what they like to see. He was still measuring about 3 weeks or so ahead (a few weeks ago, he was measuring about four weeks ahead).
My blood pressure was good. I still have no swelling. But I do have a very mild case of pre-eclampsia. Last week, my protein measured at 306 (the cutoff is 300). This week, I was holding steady at 307. That's good news but we're still in a risky category. The danger with pre-eclampsia is that it could get worse. Normally, my doctor said women with pre-eclampsia will be induced at 37 weeks, which for me would be today. But because we're having a boy and there's a chance his lungs aren't fully developed, we're holding off until Wednesday to give him a little extra time. I'll be almost 38 weeks along then.
As for me, moving around, sleeping and even breathing are all getting harder. I don't just have the baby to contend with. The fibroid is providing a lot of extra pressure on my lungs. I can't do much without having to rest (the doctor has said all I should be doing is resting anyway). But I still feel OK. The contractions have basically stopped. And while my cervix is soft, I'm still only 1 cm dialated (exactly where I was almost two weeks ago). I don't think this baby is in any hurry to get here on his own.
I'm still under 30 pounds for weight gained during this pregnancy, which was my goal. And my belly button is still an innie -- something that surprised the nurse during my non-stress test yesterday. Overall, things are going well.
Now, we just wait.
WHOO HOO BABY RICHARDT!! I was also an innie through my entire pregnancy - even two weeks late. As for dilation, welcome to my world. I was 1 cm dilated for almost a month before they decided to cut that kid out of me. :) As for lungs not being developed... a friend of ours had a boy in November and he was a whole month early. He's doing great.