
Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Last night, I started having contractions again. Strong ones. Ones that made me sick to my stomach. I could hardly get up. I also had to change my breathing to deal with them. At one point, there were just a few minutes apart; but still not very regular. I'd go 20 minutes and get one, then I'd go two minutes and then I'd go a half an hour.
That process basically continued throughout the night. I'd wake up and then I'd go back to sleep.
Dan was a little miffed at me that I wouldn't head to the hospital to be checked, but I didn't think there was a need.
For one, I have a non-stress test and doctor's appointment this afternoon. I'll work the morning, make it to the afternoon and be checked then.
Now, if they become more regular, then I might see more of a need to head to the hospital early.
As it is, I'm still just shy of 35 weeks. And while I've been told by my doctor that it wouldn't be a surprise to see him arrive early, I still don't think it will be THIS early.

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