
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Just one of those days

I'm having one of those days where everything is frustrating/annoying me. It doesn't help that I'm absolutely exhausted (lack of sleep, lots going on, holiday letdown, having to work over the weekend and pregnancy). Let's review the day:
* Constant headache all day long
* I had been at work an hour and a half when I noticed one earring was missing. Of course, this is the first time I've ever worn them.
* I spilled oil-based salad dressing on my shirt at lunch.
* I spent about 20 minutes in the bathroom at work nursing a nose bleed.
* Of course, there were just the normal work frustrations.
* Dan is working tonight and the dogs don't seem to like that he's not home. They've been in and out all night, and they keep going to the door to look for him. Jazzy keeps barking at me to let them outside. Normally, I keep my cool with them. But the last few times, I've actually yelled "shut up" at the top of my lungs.
* All I wanted to do all night was to take a relaxing bath. I headed upstairs, armed with a book. But when I got up there, I heard this awful buzzing sound. I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out where it was coming from until I finally figured out it seemed to be coming from behind the shell of the shower. This is in our bathroom that was just completely remodeled a few months ago. I thought I'd just try to ignore it, but it was impossible. As soon as I got in the tub, it started up again. And of course it was coming from right behind my head. Imagine the sound a weed whacker makes. It would go for five seconds, stop for 10 and start over again. After a couple of minutes, I finally just gave up and got out. I called Dan and he thinks it's the funniest thing in the world. I'm not laughing.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's just the universe preparing you for what's coming. Each time I try to lay down to sleep - whether it's for a nap or for the night - Zach starts crying. It's like he has a sixth sense that tells him when Mommy is going to sleep (heaven forbid). It's extremely frustrating until you walk into the room and are greeted with a big toothless (or two tooth) smile.
