I learned a lesson last night. Don't drink a big glass of ice tea before going to bed. I was up six times last night...six. I felt like every time I rolled over I had to get up and go to the bathroom.
Of course it doesn't help that this kid is finally head down, and he's likely moving lower and lower.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Rest and relaxation?
Today is day 3 of only being a part-time employee at work. It's just temporary (and doctor ordered) but it's strange. On Monday, I worked five hours instead of my doctor-ordered four, and yesterday, I actually had to get up and leave when I hit four, leaving work still to be done.
The biggest reason for the change is so I can get more rest. The contractions last week were likely my body's way of saying slow down. With the bigger baby and the huge fibroid, my doctor was afraid that my body wouldn't be able to keep up. She's probably right.
The last few days (and only working part-time) I've still felt like I've hit a wall. Yesterday, around 3 p.m., I started watching the clock...and thinking about a nap.
While sleep has been harder to come by at night, but rest has been harder to come by during the day, too. I've had to make a constant effort to take it easy.
This is going to take some getting used to.
The biggest reason for the change is so I can get more rest. The contractions last week were likely my body's way of saying slow down. With the bigger baby and the huge fibroid, my doctor was afraid that my body wouldn't be able to keep up. She's probably right.
The last few days (and only working part-time) I've still felt like I've hit a wall. Yesterday, around 3 p.m., I started watching the clock...and thinking about a nap.
While sleep has been harder to come by at night, but rest has been harder to come by during the day, too. I've had to make a constant effort to take it easy.
This is going to take some getting used to.
Monday, January 24, 2011
A lot to update
I spent three hours at the doctor/hospital this morning. Here's what happened:
* I'm back up to 22 pounds gained.
* Ultrasound showed what we already knew -- Baby Richardt is huge. He's still measuring about four weeks ahead. Doctor isn't too worried. It just sounds like we'll just have a really big baby.
* Blood pressure was a little high. Doctor didn't seem too concerned, but did send me up to labor and delivery to be monitored. Blood pressure was perfectly normally up in labor and delivery.
* Baby is no longer breech.
* For the first time, we were able to see baby's face. He's got Dan's nose and huge lips. Dan thinks he looks like he did when he was a baby.
* The non-stress test went great. Heartbeat is fantastic. Baby really likes to move.
* Labs came back completely normal.
* Contractions have stopped...for now.
* Uterus is completely closed.
* Still, it doesn't sound it would be all that unusual for me to go into labor at any time. Doctor said if it happens in the next week or so, she would stop it. After that, I'm giving birth. I better get my bag packed.
* While we're still planning for a natural birth, a scheduled c-section is sounding more like a possibility. The plan is still to make it to 39 weeks. Dan and I are both pretty doubtful that will happen. This morning, the doctor sounded less sure as well.
* The doctor is worried about me being too tired. She said with the size of the baby and the size of the fibroid, my body is really having to work hard. She's only allowing me to work four hours a day. My next appointment is a week from Wednesday. We'll re-evaluate then, but I would be a little surprised if it changes.
* I'm back up to 22 pounds gained.
* Ultrasound showed what we already knew -- Baby Richardt is huge. He's still measuring about four weeks ahead. Doctor isn't too worried. It just sounds like we'll just have a really big baby.
* Blood pressure was a little high. Doctor didn't seem too concerned, but did send me up to labor and delivery to be monitored. Blood pressure was perfectly normally up in labor and delivery.
* Baby is no longer breech.
* For the first time, we were able to see baby's face. He's got Dan's nose and huge lips. Dan thinks he looks like he did when he was a baby.
* The non-stress test went great. Heartbeat is fantastic. Baby really likes to move.
* Labs came back completely normal.
* Contractions have stopped...for now.
* Uterus is completely closed.
* Still, it doesn't sound it would be all that unusual for me to go into labor at any time. Doctor said if it happens in the next week or so, she would stop it. After that, I'm giving birth. I better get my bag packed.
* While we're still planning for a natural birth, a scheduled c-section is sounding more like a possibility. The plan is still to make it to 39 weeks. Dan and I are both pretty doubtful that will happen. This morning, the doctor sounded less sure as well.
* The doctor is worried about me being too tired. She said with the size of the baby and the size of the fibroid, my body is really having to work hard. She's only allowing me to work four hours a day. My next appointment is a week from Wednesday. We'll re-evaluate then, but I would be a little surprised if it changes.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Great weekend
Yesterday, we attended an all-day child birth class at the local hospital. I'm glad we did. It gave me a lot better idea of what to expect during child birth. And it gave Dan and I some useful tips to use for breathing, encouragement, etc.
I think what I liked best about the class is that it gave Dan a better idea of what to expect and what he can do to help me out during child birth. He would have done anything asked of him, but this is my first time too, and I'm not sure I'd know what to even have him do. I feel better prepared and I know he does, too.
Today, we were lucky enough to attend the baptism of Mackenzie, our friends Rob and Melissa's little girl. Mackenzie was born in October, right around the time we were reaching 20 weeks in this pregnancy. It's been fun watching her change and grow these last three months or so. It gives us a preview of what to expect. Plus, she's just a really good, sweet baby. We love spending time with her...and her parents.
Tomorrow, another ultrasound. We get to see our little guy and how much he's grown.
I think what I liked best about the class is that it gave Dan a better idea of what to expect and what he can do to help me out during child birth. He would have done anything asked of him, but this is my first time too, and I'm not sure I'd know what to even have him do. I feel better prepared and I know he does, too.
Today, we were lucky enough to attend the baptism of Mackenzie, our friends Rob and Melissa's little girl. Mackenzie was born in October, right around the time we were reaching 20 weeks in this pregnancy. It's been fun watching her change and grow these last three months or so. It gives us a preview of what to expect. Plus, she's just a really good, sweet baby. We love spending time with her...and her parents.
Tomorrow, another ultrasound. We get to see our little guy and how much he's grown.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Oh yeah
I was actually down a pound this week. So far, 21 pounds gained in this pregnancy. I should be able to stay under my goal of 30. Yay!
What a week
I'm 33 weeks along today. It's all becoming a bit more real, and if I'm being honest with myself, a little emotional, too. In June, when this little one was conceived, I was grieving. I had basically given up on ever carrying a child. Dan and I had just returned from a cruise a month earlier where after waiting until I was more than a week late, I had taken a pregnancy test in the confines of our tiny little cabin bathroom. It was negative...again. I decided right then that I was giving up. I told myself that I needed to come to terms with not being able to get pregnant (at least without medical intervention). I was throwing in the towel...only this time, I meant it.
We decided to seek out more medical help, but in the meantime, we were going to pursue adoption. Having a child that I carried was important to me, but so was giving someone else a home. The cost scared me, but I didn't want to wait three or four years down the road. I wanted to get the process started. So we scheduled a meeting with an adoption agency in Sioux Falls. Just a few days before that meeting, we found out I was pregnant. I was immediately scared.
We had tried for three years to get to this place. I was scared of miscarriage and I was scared something would go wrong. In a way, I still am, although I've learned that I need to leave the stress somewhere else and enjoy this pregnancy. I deserve it. Dan and I deserve it. We're so excited about the next few months and what it will bring.
On Wednesday, I thought it might come sooner than we were expecting.
I went in for a scheduled non-stress test. Baby was great. Heartbeat was nice and strong and he was moving around a bunch, which pleased the nurse. But then she came in and asked me if I was feeling strange at all. I was feeling some tightening in my belly, but I didn't think it was anything to worry about.
I had been experiencing contractions (I figured just braxton hicks) since Monday night. On Monday, they were about an hour apart and lasted about a minute each time. And they were really painful. At one point, I had trouble standing. Then they quit before returning on Tuesday. That afternoon at work was interesting. The contractions were coming every 15 minutes or so, and they were still pretty painful. But by Tuesday night, they seemed to have quit, and by Wednesday morning, I was just feeling the tightening every couple of minutes. No pain. Just a little discomfort.
I wasn't worried...until the nurse told me that they were real contractions (not braxton hicks) and that I should have called my doctor as soon as they started happening. "Honey, these are normal if you're 37 weeks along, not 33," she said. She called down to my doctor, telling her on the phone that my contractions were two to three minutes apart.
Because I had a doctor's appointment right after, Dan met me down there. I tried to fill him in as quickly as I could while we waited in the waiting room. He was insistent that the doctor would put me on bed rest, which I didn't want. I'd go crazy at home.
When Monica, the nurse called us back, she took us straight into the ultrasound room. I went to go pee in a cup while Monica and Dan chatted. When I got back to the room, they were talking about how if I was in labor, we'd have to get ahold of my parents, who are on a cruise right now. I said something like "Why? I wouldn't want to ruin their trip." But Dan and Monica convinced me that they'd probably be mad if they didn't know what was going on.
I'm glad it didn't come to that. Instead, my doctor checked my cervix (via an exam and a vaginal ultrasound...fun, fun, fun) and took a swab to test for signs of pre-term labor. Everything was golden. My cervix is still long and closed. And the test was negative, which means that I'm not likely to go into labor in the next two weeks. Bed rest was briefly discussed, but when I told the doctor that I basically have a desk job, she was content to letting me return to work. Later when Monica called to give me the test results, she reminded me to take it easy and to call if anything changes.
And it hasn't. I'm still having the contractions, but besides a few times, they haven't been painful. I've also noticed that when I'm laying down and resting, they quit. The last two mornings I haven't gotten any until I get to work and start really doing things. At first it was distracting, but now, I've gotten used to it. I just hope they quit.
On Monday, I have another ultrasound. This one, we'll be checking the baby. Depending on what's going on, I could be sent up for another non-stress test. We'll see.
We decided to seek out more medical help, but in the meantime, we were going to pursue adoption. Having a child that I carried was important to me, but so was giving someone else a home. The cost scared me, but I didn't want to wait three or four years down the road. I wanted to get the process started. So we scheduled a meeting with an adoption agency in Sioux Falls. Just a few days before that meeting, we found out I was pregnant. I was immediately scared.
We had tried for three years to get to this place. I was scared of miscarriage and I was scared something would go wrong. In a way, I still am, although I've learned that I need to leave the stress somewhere else and enjoy this pregnancy. I deserve it. Dan and I deserve it. We're so excited about the next few months and what it will bring.
On Wednesday, I thought it might come sooner than we were expecting.
I went in for a scheduled non-stress test. Baby was great. Heartbeat was nice and strong and he was moving around a bunch, which pleased the nurse. But then she came in and asked me if I was feeling strange at all. I was feeling some tightening in my belly, but I didn't think it was anything to worry about.
I had been experiencing contractions (I figured just braxton hicks) since Monday night. On Monday, they were about an hour apart and lasted about a minute each time. And they were really painful. At one point, I had trouble standing. Then they quit before returning on Tuesday. That afternoon at work was interesting. The contractions were coming every 15 minutes or so, and they were still pretty painful. But by Tuesday night, they seemed to have quit, and by Wednesday morning, I was just feeling the tightening every couple of minutes. No pain. Just a little discomfort.
I wasn't worried...until the nurse told me that they were real contractions (not braxton hicks) and that I should have called my doctor as soon as they started happening. "Honey, these are normal if you're 37 weeks along, not 33," she said. She called down to my doctor, telling her on the phone that my contractions were two to three minutes apart.
Because I had a doctor's appointment right after, Dan met me down there. I tried to fill him in as quickly as I could while we waited in the waiting room. He was insistent that the doctor would put me on bed rest, which I didn't want. I'd go crazy at home.
When Monica, the nurse called us back, she took us straight into the ultrasound room. I went to go pee in a cup while Monica and Dan chatted. When I got back to the room, they were talking about how if I was in labor, we'd have to get ahold of my parents, who are on a cruise right now. I said something like "Why? I wouldn't want to ruin their trip." But Dan and Monica convinced me that they'd probably be mad if they didn't know what was going on.
I'm glad it didn't come to that. Instead, my doctor checked my cervix (via an exam and a vaginal ultrasound...fun, fun, fun) and took a swab to test for signs of pre-term labor. Everything was golden. My cervix is still long and closed. And the test was negative, which means that I'm not likely to go into labor in the next two weeks. Bed rest was briefly discussed, but when I told the doctor that I basically have a desk job, she was content to letting me return to work. Later when Monica called to give me the test results, she reminded me to take it easy and to call if anything changes.
And it hasn't. I'm still having the contractions, but besides a few times, they haven't been painful. I've also noticed that when I'm laying down and resting, they quit. The last two mornings I haven't gotten any until I get to work and start really doing things. At first it was distracting, but now, I've gotten used to it. I just hope they quit.
On Monday, I have another ultrasound. This one, we'll be checking the baby. Depending on what's going on, I could be sent up for another non-stress test. We'll see.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
32 weeks, 4 days
I'm now officially miserable. I should probably rejoice that my body has hung on this long. But now I'm definitely uncomfortable.
Last night, I started having contractions. I'm going to assume they were braxon hicks. I had about four of them (lasting about a minute each time) in a few hours time. Braxton hicks aren't supposed to hurt, but these definitely did. My stomach got so tight I thought it was going to explode. It probably didn't help matters that I just wasn't feeling well to begin with.
My hips (mainly the left side) have started hurting as well. I can deal with the pain during the day, but at night, it's a little more difficult. I didn't sleep a bit last night.
All of that being said, I'm still really enjoying this pregnancy. I really do love being pregnant. It hasn't always been easy, but the end result will be worth it.
A few little updates:
* I felt the baby get the hiccups for the first time this morning. I always wondered what it would feel like.
* I still have an innie belly button and I expect that it will stay that way.
Last night, I started having contractions. I'm going to assume they were braxon hicks. I had about four of them (lasting about a minute each time) in a few hours time. Braxton hicks aren't supposed to hurt, but these definitely did. My stomach got so tight I thought it was going to explode. It probably didn't help matters that I just wasn't feeling well to begin with.
My hips (mainly the left side) have started hurting as well. I can deal with the pain during the day, but at night, it's a little more difficult. I didn't sleep a bit last night.
All of that being said, I'm still really enjoying this pregnancy. I really do love being pregnant. It hasn't always been easy, but the end result will be worth it.
A few little updates:
* I felt the baby get the hiccups for the first time this morning. I always wondered what it would feel like.
* I still have an innie belly button and I expect that it will stay that way.
Monday, January 17, 2011
53 days!
53 days left — that's what my ticker says. If I'm induced at or around 39 weeks like expected, then it's more like 46. And...if we go by Dan's prediction, that this baby will be born on Monday, Feb. 28, then it's 42.
That's just crazy.
That's just crazy.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Hidden face
I've had five ultrasounds so far. Yep, that's right. One at 12 weeks, when we were trying to determine how far along I was and whether or not I was carrying twins. One at 21 weeks to check for all the normal things. Another one at 24 weeks when my fibroid was found for the first time and a portable ultrasound machine was wheeled in. An additional one at 28 weeks so my doctor could see the fibroid (I didn't see her at my 24-week appointment). And finally one at 32 weeks. We have another one scheduled a week from Monday. I'll be 33.5 weeks along then.
My guess is that we'll also have one at 36 weeks and probably 38 as well. And if we do, that will put us at a whooping eight ultrasounds.
The strange thing? We still haven't seen the little one's face. He's blocked it every time. He uses his hands, feet, anything he can find. He also tends to move quite a bit. He won't stay still long enough to see anything.
I don't mind. We'll meet him sooner or later. But I think it did frustrate the ultrasound tech a little bit this last time. She wouldn't give up. She tried and tried to get his little face in view, but it just wasn't happening. He had his hand and foot in the way. He was even grabbing his little foot at one point.
Here, however, is one of the pictures she did get. It's not the best quality, because I took a picture of the printout with my cell phone, but I still think it's adorable.
My guess is that we'll also have one at 36 weeks and probably 38 as well. And if we do, that will put us at a whooping eight ultrasounds.
The strange thing? We still haven't seen the little one's face. He's blocked it every time. He uses his hands, feet, anything he can find. He also tends to move quite a bit. He won't stay still long enough to see anything.
I don't mind. We'll meet him sooner or later. But I think it did frustrate the ultrasound tech a little bit this last time. She wouldn't give up. She tried and tried to get his little face in view, but it just wasn't happening. He had his hand and foot in the way. He was even grabbing his little foot at one point.
Here, however, is one of the pictures she did get. It's not the best quality, because I took a picture of the printout with my cell phone, but I still think it's adorable.

Thursday, January 13, 2011
Today's appointment
* Heart rate 142
* Mom has gained 22 pounds.
^ Baby wouldn't let us see his face. He kept sticking his hand (and foot) in front of it.
* He's most definitely a boy.
* Baby is huge. Mom is a little scared.
* Amniotic fluid is borderline high. There's no huge concerns, but it's something to watch.
* Blood pressure was 118 over 72.
* Still no swelling in feet, hands, etc.
* Weekly appointments start next week, complete with a NST (non-stress test)
* Another ultrasound scheduled in two weeks.
* What we (mom and dad; not doctor) thought was the head this entire time is actually the fibroid. Baby's head is tiny in comparison. The fibroid is gigantic, but not causing any problems.
* Baby is still breech.
* Mom has gained 22 pounds.
^ Baby wouldn't let us see his face. He kept sticking his hand (and foot) in front of it.
* He's most definitely a boy.
* Baby is huge. Mom is a little scared.
* Amniotic fluid is borderline high. There's no huge concerns, but it's something to watch.
* Blood pressure was 118 over 72.
* Still no swelling in feet, hands, etc.
* Weekly appointments start next week, complete with a NST (non-stress test)
* Another ultrasound scheduled in two weeks.
* What we (mom and dad; not doctor) thought was the head this entire time is actually the fibroid. Baby's head is tiny in comparison. The fibroid is gigantic, but not causing any problems.
* Baby is still breech.
Appointment day
We have our 32-week appointment this afternoon, complete with an ultrasound. We saw the little one at 28 weeks, but I'm still excited to see how much he's grown.
The past week or so is really the first week in this whole pregnancy where I just haven't felt well. In addition to being exhausted, there have been times where I've been dizzy. I've also had a lot of belly pain and a few braxton hicks contractions.
Do I think it's anything to worry about? Not at all. I think it's all completely normal. I do, however, think I've been overdoing it a bit. I've worked a lot of overtime at work the last few weeks and they haven't been easy weeks either. This week, I'm feeling it. I'm finding it harder to concentrate at work. I'm restless. And all I can think about is sleep.
The past week or so is really the first week in this whole pregnancy where I just haven't felt well. In addition to being exhausted, there have been times where I've been dizzy. I've also had a lot of belly pain and a few braxton hicks contractions.
Do I think it's anything to worry about? Not at all. I think it's all completely normal. I do, however, think I've been overdoing it a bit. I've worked a lot of overtime at work the last few weeks and they haven't been easy weeks either. This week, I'm feeling it. I'm finding it harder to concentrate at work. I'm restless. And all I can think about is sleep.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Sweet husband
Dan brought me home a really nice gift tonight. While I have plenty of suitcases, I don't really have a bag to take to the hospital. I had just planned on finding something laying around.
Dan didn't think that was good enough, and wanted me to have something nice. So he ordered me a really, really nice bag. But better than that, he had a message embroidered on it. It says xxxx's mom (insert our son's name where the xxxs are).
I love it...just not as much as I love him.
Dan didn't think that was good enough, and wanted me to have something nice. So he ordered me a really, really nice bag. But better than that, he had a message embroidered on it. It says xxxx's mom (insert our son's name where the xxxs are).
I love it...just not as much as I love him.
Today was a big deal at the Richardt household. The nursery...well, it's done. Up until today, it had a resemblance of a nursery, but with a big pile of garbage in the middle and a bunch of baby things scattered about.
The boxes from the rocker and other assorted items (aka the garbage) were finally taken to the dump. I finally organized the changing table and cleaned off the dresser. And I even put batteries in the clock.
I also packed baby's baby for the hospital. We still have some time, but it feels nice to have it done. My bag is next.
Dan had a big day, too. While he moved around everything I needed and followed my every "suggestion" on what he could do next, he also brought in the stroller/car seat and pack and play from the garage and put them together. Dan putting together the pack and play was the highlight of my day...by far.
It didn't go very well. As he swore and cursed the people who wrote the directions, I laughed. At one point, he couldn't find a piece that he needed. About five minutes later, we found it in a very, very obvious spot. It really was like a comedy. Dan swore and I laughed. It was better than going to the movies.
The boxes from the rocker and other assorted items (aka the garbage) were finally taken to the dump. I finally organized the changing table and cleaned off the dresser. And I even put batteries in the clock.
I also packed baby's baby for the hospital. We still have some time, but it feels nice to have it done. My bag is next.
Dan had a big day, too. While he moved around everything I needed and followed my every "suggestion" on what he could do next, he also brought in the stroller/car seat and pack and play from the garage and put them together. Dan putting together the pack and play was the highlight of my day...by far.
It didn't go very well. As he swore and cursed the people who wrote the directions, I laughed. At one point, he couldn't find a piece that he needed. About five minutes later, we found it in a very, very obvious spot. It really was like a comedy. Dan swore and I laughed. It was better than going to the movies.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Shrunkin belly
There really not much doubt in my mind anymore that this kid has flipped. For one, my belly has changed shape. While you used to just be able to look at me and could practically see the little peanut's head sticking straight out, that's not the case anymore. My belly seems wider, but it doesn't stick out nearly as much as it did a week ago.
Even Dan noticed today. He asked me to lift up my shirt, so he could take a look. And sure enough, the difference was noticeable.
Up until this point, the kid had been breech. I'm not sure if he's flipped completely around, but he's definitely moved enough that I've noticed.
I guess we'll find out on Thursday for sure. We'll be having another ultrasound.
Even Dan noticed today. He asked me to lift up my shirt, so he could take a look. And sure enough, the difference was noticeable.
Up until this point, the kid had been breech. I'm not sure if he's flipped completely around, but he's definitely moved enough that I've noticed.
I guess we'll find out on Thursday for sure. We'll be having another ultrasound.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Just one of those days
I'm having one of those days where everything is frustrating/annoying me. It doesn't help that I'm absolutely exhausted (lack of sleep, lots going on, holiday letdown, having to work over the weekend and pregnancy). Let's review the day:
* Constant headache all day long
* I had been at work an hour and a half when I noticed one earring was missing. Of course, this is the first time I've ever worn them.
* I spilled oil-based salad dressing on my shirt at lunch.
* I spent about 20 minutes in the bathroom at work nursing a nose bleed.
* Of course, there were just the normal work frustrations.
* Dan is working tonight and the dogs don't seem to like that he's not home. They've been in and out all night, and they keep going to the door to look for him. Jazzy keeps barking at me to let them outside. Normally, I keep my cool with them. But the last few times, I've actually yelled "shut up" at the top of my lungs.
* All I wanted to do all night was to take a relaxing bath. I headed upstairs, armed with a book. But when I got up there, I heard this awful buzzing sound. I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out where it was coming from until I finally figured out it seemed to be coming from behind the shell of the shower. This is in our bathroom that was just completely remodeled a few months ago. I thought I'd just try to ignore it, but it was impossible. As soon as I got in the tub, it started up again. And of course it was coming from right behind my head. Imagine the sound a weed whacker makes. It would go for five seconds, stop for 10 and start over again. After a couple of minutes, I finally just gave up and got out. I called Dan and he thinks it's the funniest thing in the world. I'm not laughing.
* Constant headache all day long
* I had been at work an hour and a half when I noticed one earring was missing. Of course, this is the first time I've ever worn them.
* I spilled oil-based salad dressing on my shirt at lunch.
* I spent about 20 minutes in the bathroom at work nursing a nose bleed.
* Of course, there were just the normal work frustrations.
* Dan is working tonight and the dogs don't seem to like that he's not home. They've been in and out all night, and they keep going to the door to look for him. Jazzy keeps barking at me to let them outside. Normally, I keep my cool with them. But the last few times, I've actually yelled "shut up" at the top of my lungs.
* All I wanted to do all night was to take a relaxing bath. I headed upstairs, armed with a book. But when I got up there, I heard this awful buzzing sound. I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out where it was coming from until I finally figured out it seemed to be coming from behind the shell of the shower. This is in our bathroom that was just completely remodeled a few months ago. I thought I'd just try to ignore it, but it was impossible. As soon as I got in the tub, it started up again. And of course it was coming from right behind my head. Imagine the sound a weed whacker makes. It would go for five seconds, stop for 10 and start over again. After a couple of minutes, I finally just gave up and got out. I called Dan and he thinks it's the funniest thing in the world. I'm not laughing.
Monday, January 3, 2011
File this under something a husband should never say to his pregnant wife (whether he means it or not):
"I don't care about you. I care about the baby growing inside of you."
"I don't care about you. I care about the baby growing inside of you."
30 weeks, 3 days
Yay for good appointments!
I had my 30-week appointment this morning, and I was in and out in 25 minutes. Heartbeat holding steady at 152. I've gained 20 pounds. Ekkk..but as my doctor said "You're all baby...and fibroid." Blood pressure good, pee test clean and recent blood work perfect.
The fibroid does look like it's grown, the doc said. However, we'll get a better look next week. I have an ultrasound scheduled for Jan. 13.
I had my 30-week appointment this morning, and I was in and out in 25 minutes. Heartbeat holding steady at 152. I've gained 20 pounds. Ekkk..but as my doctor said "You're all baby...and fibroid." Blood pressure good, pee test clean and recent blood work perfect.
The fibroid does look like it's grown, the doc said. However, we'll get a better look next week. I have an ultrasound scheduled for Jan. 13.
Men and babies
I had to attend a function early this morning, and by attend, I mean go, interview people, take some photos and write a story.
While there, I got into a conversation with a group of men in their mid-60s. The first one wanted to know when I'm due. Then the conversation turned to whether I'm having a boy or girl and what the name is going to be. When I told them that we have one picked out but that we're not sharing, one of the men chimed in "But you don't even know us. We won't tell anyone." That made me smile.
Up until this point, I had only had this type of conversation with women. But here were these four men, wanting to know details about my pregnancy (including how I was feeling, whether this is my first child, etc.).
They then proceeded to tell me about their grandkids, and what their names were. One said his grandson is named Avery. "When they told us what his name is, I said 'Do you already hate the kid,' but now there are Averies all over the place," he said. Another said he calls his grandson Heathcliff. Why? Not because it's his name. Just because he wants to.
While there, I got into a conversation with a group of men in their mid-60s. The first one wanted to know when I'm due. Then the conversation turned to whether I'm having a boy or girl and what the name is going to be. When I told them that we have one picked out but that we're not sharing, one of the men chimed in "But you don't even know us. We won't tell anyone." That made me smile.
Up until this point, I had only had this type of conversation with women. But here were these four men, wanting to know details about my pregnancy (including how I was feeling, whether this is my first child, etc.).
They then proceeded to tell me about their grandkids, and what their names were. One said his grandson is named Avery. "When they told us what his name is, I said 'Do you already hate the kid,' but now there are Averies all over the place," he said. Another said he calls his grandson Heathcliff. Why? Not because it's his name. Just because he wants to.
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