I really do love my doctor. For some reason, she has the ability to put my mind at ease...no matter what the issue.
We had our 28-appointment today, and I went in scared of what the doctor would say about the fibroid that was discovered at my 24-week appointment. The doctor I saw at that appointment told me not to worry, but then proceeded to tell me about the pain it would cause, the issues it likely caused with my fertility and the fact that it could cause pre-term labor.
Today, most of my worries were taken care of. We had an ultrasound and it looks as if things with the fibroid are as well as can be expected. It hasn't grown. And it's actually moved to a different area (that's one that my doctor couldn't quite explain --she said it's possible my uterus has twisted a bit). They'll still keep an eye on things, but the fibroid news is the best we could have gotten.
As for baby boy, he's perfect. He's currently about 3 pounds and measuring in the 83rd percentile. But the doctor said the higher percentile has more to do with the fact that he has "really, really long legs" than his current weight. She even took the leg measurements twice, because she couldn't quite believe it. It sounds like we might have a tall little boy.
He's also still...well, a boy. "There's the junk right there," the doctor said. No joke.
I'll go back on Jan. 3 for a checkup and then on Jan. 13 for another ultrasound. It sounds like we'll have many more ultrasounds before this thing is finished...just to keep an eye on things. Right now, the plan is to induce at around 39 weeks.
I've been worrying lately about the fact that I look really pregnant. The doctor did make a quick comment about how she could see exactly where little boy's head is and that I've really popped. But he and I are still well within every statistical category. Baby is measuring right where he should. And I've gained 15 pounds -- nothing to be concerned about. Whew!
Glad you got good news! I'm sure that has to be so stressful. Hope it's smooth sailing from here on out! :-)